Proceedings of the 39th Scandinavian Symposium on Physical Acoustics

The 39th Scandinavian Symposium on Physical Acoustics was held at Geilo, Norway from January 31 to February 3, 2016. It was organised by Ulf Kristiansen and Erlend Magnus Viggen, both part of the Acoustics Research Centre. This year we had 48 participants holding 31 presentations, and 9 papers were written for the proceedings, which have been published through

This link takes you to the proceedings.

Thanks to Sverre Holm and Josephine Børvan for the photo

Program of the 39th Scandinavian Symposium on Physical Acoustics

The 39th Scandinavian Symposium on Physical Acoustics will be held at Geilo Hotel from January 31st to February 3rd, 2016, and is organised by Ulf Kristiansen and Erlend Magnus Viggen at ARC. This year, there are 50 registered participants who will be holding a total of 32 talks on various topics such as sound propagation, ultrasonics, sonar technology, acoustics in solids, petroleum-related acoustics, and more. You can find the entire conference program below, and a printable version can be downloaded here.

Read more…Program of the 39th Scandinavian Symposium on Physical Acoustics

Invitation to the 39th Scandinavian Symposium on Physical Acoustics

The 39th Scandinavian Symposium on Physical Acoustics will be held at Geilo Hotel from January 31 to February 3, 2016. This year it is organised by Ulf Kristiansen and Erlend Viggen, both at ARC. The theme for the meeting will as usual be physical acoustics, with emphasis on hydroacoustics, nonlinear acoustics, ultrasound, general sound propagation and applications in technology, medicine and fisheries.

The purpose of these meetings is primarily to stimulate contacts and exchange information between different Scandinavian teams working in this research area. Although the symposium is Scandinavian, foreign participants are most welcome, and the meeting language will be English. As usual, we expect a rather informal tone, the main goal being to create contacts, not only during sessions, but also by social activities, indoors and outdoors (cross country and downhill skiing). The meeting normally attracts about 50 participants holding about 25 talks throughout 5 sessions.

Read more…Invitation to the 39th Scandinavian Symposium on Physical Acoustics

Hva er egentlig trykk?

Lyd er noe vi alle har hørt om. Det vi oppfatter som lyd er variasjoner i lufttrykket på trommehinna. Disse variasjonene forplanter seg dypere inn i øret og deretter inn i hjernen. Trykk er derfor sentralt for akustikere og alle andre som jobber med lyd. Her vil jeg minne deg på hvor lufttrykk egentlig kommer fra, og si litt om hvordan lufttrykkets natur begrenser hvor bra øret og mikrofoner egentlig kan bli.

Read more…Hva er egentlig trykk?