A brief history of electroacoustics, pt. 2:
The telephone

Two inventors with significantly improved, successful telephone devices made it to the patent office on the same day, February 14, 1876. These two inventors were Elisha Gray (1835-1901) and Alexander Graham Bell (1847-1922).

Read more…A brief history of electroacoustics, pt. 2:
The telephone

A brief history of electroacoustics, pt. 1:
The birth of electroacoustics and early telephones

While electroacoustics is as old as lightning and thunder, man’s controlled application of it dates back to the 18th century. Early electroacoustic phenomena were mere replicas of the natural occurring ones; the crackles of electrostatic discharges in the early experiments in electricity. In 1729, it was discovered that some materials conducted electricity, and the idea that this could be used to transmit intelligence was born.

Read more…A brief history of electroacoustics, pt. 1:
The birth of electroacoustics and early telephones

Hvordan snakke i telefonen?

Du trenger kanskje ikke å rope? ARCs professor Peter Svensson ved NTNU har nylig blitt intervjuet av Dinside om hvorfor folk roper i telefonen likevel. Kjernen er Lombard-effekten, altså at du naturlig justerer stemmenivået og stemmeleiet ditt etter støyen rundt deg og stemmenivået til samtalepartneren din. Det kan derfor altså være lurt å redusere både ditt eget stemmenivå og avspillingsnivået i telefonen din.

Du kan lese hele intervjuet hos Dinside. (Øh…du kan også gjerne se bort fra overskriften.)

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