Program of the 39th Scandinavian Symposium on Physical Acoustics

The 39th Scandinavian Symposium on Physical Acoustics will be held at Geilo Hotel from January 31st to February 3rd, 2016, and is organised by Ulf Kristiansen and Erlend Magnus Viggen at ARC. This year, there are 50 registered participants who will be holding a total of 32 talks on various topics such as sound propagation, ultrasonics, sonar technology, acoustics in solids, petroleum-related acoustics, and more. You can find the entire conference program below, and a printable version can be downloaded here.


Sunday, January 31st


19:00 Dinner is served until 20:00

21:00 Opening in the lecture hall

21:15 Annual meeting of the Acoustics group of the Norwegian Physical Society


Monday, February 1st:   Morning session

07:30 Breakfast

08:15 K. K. Andersen, P. Lunde, and J. Kocbach, UiB, CMR
«Reciprocity calibration of ultrasonic piezoelectric disks in air»

08:35 Fabrice Prieur, UiO
«Acoustic cavitation improves penetration of fluorescent probes into tumors in vivo»

08:55 Lars Hoff, HSN
«The Ultrasound Transducer Lab at HSN»

09:15 Coffee break

09:45 Andreas Austeng, UiO
«Improved ultrasound imaging using adaptive beamformers»

10:05 Ole Marius Hoel Rindal, UiO
«Point scatter detection using plane wave coherence factor imaging»

10:25 Tobias Dahl, SINTEF
«Beamforming explained»

10:45 Break

Lunch is served between 13:00 and 14:30


Monday, February 1st: Afternoon session

15:50 Nicolas P. Chotiros, ONR Global
«On modeling the underside of sea ice»

16:10 Gaute Hope, Espen Storheim, Hanne Sagen, and Halvor Hobæk, NERSC, UiB
«Transmitted and modeled long-range acoustic communication signals underneath Arctic sea ice»

16:30 Tor Arne Reinen, SINTEF
«Underwater acoustic network for ice-monitoring»

16:50 Halvor Hobæk, UiB
«On underwater sound reflection from ice sheets»

17:10 Coffee break

17:40 Sven Ivansson, FOI
«Simple illustrations of range- dependence and 3-D effects by normal-mode sound propagation modelling»

18:00 Salman Siddiqui, NTNU
«Application of Underwater Acoustic Models for Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Navigation»

18:20 Jens M. Hovem, NTNU
«Recent results on underwater acoustic noise of fishing vessels»

18:40 Hefeng Dong, NTNU
«Impact of internal waves on sound propagation in shallow water»

19:15 Dinner is served


Tuesday, February 2nd: Morning session

07:30 Breakfast

08:15 Andreas S. Talberg and Tonni Johansen, NTNU, SINTEF
«Acoustic measurements above a plate carrying Lamb waves»

08:35 Sverre Holm, UiO
«Geoacoustic-inspired models for shear wave propagation in the brain»

08:55 M. Sæther, P. Lunde, and G. Ersland, UiB
«Sound velocity measurement method for porous sandstone.  Measurements, finite element modelling, and diffraction correction”

09:15 Coffee break

09:45 M. Aanes, K. D. Lohne, P. Lunde, and M. Vestrheim, UiB
«Transducer finite aperture effects in sound transmission near leaky Lamb modes in elastic plates at normal beam incidence»

10:05 Vikash Pandey, UiO
«Connecting the grain-shearing mechanism of wave propagation in marine sediments to fractional calculus»

10:25 Jun Tang, NTNU
«3-D numerical simulation for wave propagation in wedge-shaped seismo-acoustic waveguides»

10:45 Break

Lunch is served between 13:00 and 14:30


Tuesday, February 2nd: Afternoon session

15:50 Ulf Kristiansen and Muriel Amielh, NTNU, IRPHE
«Measurements on a little known sound source – the vortex whistle»

16:10 Ann Elisabeth Albright Blomberg, UiO
«Array signal processing for marine gas seep detection»

16:30 Rune Hauge, CMR
«Active Acoustic Leak Detection of Oil and Gas»

16:50 Erlend Magnus Viggen and Herold Olsen, SINTEF
«An introduction to mapping the noise from shooting ranges»

17:10 Coffee break

17:40 Knut Waagan, FFI
«Numerical modelling of sound propagation during the Norwegian Trials experiment»

18:00 Anton Nikolaev, HSN
«Acoustic system for monitoring respiratory motion»

18:20 Gunnar Taraldsen, NTNU
«From nonlinear acoustics to environmental noise community tolerance levels»

19:15 Dinner is served


Wednesday, February 3rd: Morning session

09:00 Tor Inge B. Lønmo, Kongsberg Maritime Subsea
«Interference Rejection for Sonars via Low Complexity Adaptive Beamforming»

09:20 Karl Thomas Hjelmervik, FFI
«Automatic classification of sonar targets – recent results»

09:40 Martin Östberg, FOI
«Target echo strength modelling at FOI, including results from the BeTSSi II workshop»

10:00 Roy E. Hansen, Anthony P. Lyons, and Daniel A. Cook, FFI
«Observations of Internal Waves in Synthetic Aperture Sonar Imagery»